Lieksa 19.6. bear test
Today Siri and Silja were bear tested. Both did fine tests. Both barked at the bear, Silja was bolder but on the other hand went a bit...
Health results
Silja had her first health check on Wednesday 14.6. in Eläintohtori Kivuton vet clinic. Kirsi Mäkimattila, my trusted vet, checked her...
Finnish agility team championships 2017
Ruri was chosen to represent our agility club JoA for second year in a row in Finnish team agility championships in MINI class. Thank you...
Critiques from Tohmajärvi
My dogs' show critiques from Tohmajärvi Group show, 30.4.2017 : Ruri (BOB, soon 8!): Excellent type, very compact, well balanced, has a...
Tohmajärvi Group show - EXCellent day!
Today was an EXCellent day in Tohmajärvi Group show. Ruri was in his last CH Class - next he will be in VET Class!!! He was BM-1 and BOB,...
Outokumpu Group show
Today all my three Valls were entered in Outokumpu Group show (groups 1 & 5). The judge was Karl-Erik Johansson from Sweden. Ruri was...
Today I opened my new homepage. Here, in this section, I am going to write news about my dogs. Last weekend I competed in agility here...